Each year, the Animal Agriculture Alliance releases reports from several major animal rights conferences to help keep our members and the broader industry informed
The milk suppliers of Ben & Jerry’s will be entering into a contract that requires them to meet defined goals in the treatment and management of their employees
FTC suggests consent order on NAAB handling of genomic testing. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a consent order surrounding the restriction of competition related to genomic testing. This...
“There’s a learning curve in adapting our management to the technology,” shared the University of Kentucky’s Joey Clark. He serves as the university’s dairy farm manager
If there is ever a time that cows experience more stress, it’s during the transition period. That’s the time just before, during, and after a cow has a calf
Some would say that I have been rocking the boat since childhood. And they’d be correct. At the early age of exactly 3 years 9 months, I was challenging the establishment
4-H livestock projects were blasted at a recent HSUS annual conference. Like many of you in the dairy industry, some of my best memories and closest friends are from my time in 4-H
Living in a rural community is no guarantee that your neighbors understand farming and where food comes from.When you're engaged to a large animal veterinarian and your job is tracking and responding to...
As the online media manger, much of my day is spent online. As a publication, we share new stories with those interested in dairy cattle. However, as an individual, you need to be careful of what you share...
Most medium and large sized herds experience transition period disorders. Activity monitoring could help detect disease sooner. A smooth transition out of the dry period is essential for cows to achieve...
Amy's bulk tank SCC (BTSCC) varied from 250,000 to 500,000 and occasionally would be over 600,000. With the allowed level being lowered to 400,000, she needs a management plan that prevents those worst...
With the end of the school year rapidly approaching, college is beckoning for many students. A new location, new routine, and new people can make college quite an adjustment. We asked a few students for...